Saturday, December 18, 2010

How to make your own Humidifyer

Soooo, this is a short little post about my new humidifyer!

Since you guys, here in the USA always crank up your heating on max as soon as its getting white out there, my room got this little Sahara-breeze to it. Burning hot, fucking dry air coming out of my vents 24/7... crazy...

And since waking up in the morning with a dry throat, my tongue sticking to my teeth, and my nose feeling like a dried out piece of desert is not what i consider a wishful state of being, i wanted to change something...

So, after this initial thought, i went off to Walmart to get one of those things...
Totally happy with my new "rainforrest"-machine i came back home plugged it in, put water in, and started it...
and i was totally happy... for about 5 hours... cause then i wanted to go to bed, and figured out that this machine is wayyyy to loud.
OK, going back to Walmart the next week, bringing it back, getting another one that actually says "extra quiet" on it...
huuiiiii, sooo exiting...
but.... it was exacty the same again... machine way to loud. So annoying that i had to turn it off again, at night... which kind of defeats the purpose, since when i wake up, i again, have my dry throat and the taste of desert in my mouth....

after these disappointing events, i went into deep contemplation. i rethought my living situation and how i could get some humidity into my room. and i had it. SALVATION.

I am just going to make my own humidifier.
well, i guess its hard, cause otherwise everybody would do it... or?!?

NO, its sooooo easy :)
i googled a little and found 2 or 3 ways to make your own "humidifyer"...
like this funky sponge-thing here:

i went a little further, since i got the vent of my heating in my room, i thought i could just put something wet in front of it, to moisturize the air.
and thats what i did.
what i needed:
a bowl
a towel
two pins.
i put the bowl right in front of my vent, pinned the towel to the wall, so that the end of it is still in the bowl, filled the bowl with water.
The towel soaks up the water, and puts it out in the air.

thank you Walmart.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. YES - I have had the same problem! I finally figured it out and bought I hygrometre to know what the actually humidity level is. Surprisingly even when it is above freezing it will still be about 30% humidity when ideally it should be 45% to 50%. I found that hanging a couple of wet towels words very well and also using a crockpot full of water.

    Coming from Sydney I never had to face this problem so for years I was suffering from dry skin. It seems like there should be some more education given to international students when they come to MUM...

    Thanks for the post.
