But NO - its a operating system. Based on Linux. Open Sources. Managed by a company who's only income comes through Customer Services. With a huge community in the background.
How awesome is that?!?!
I have been thinking about changing my Software usage in a direction that reflects my values for a long time.
Something that's based on a service oriented, sustainable, opened values.
Something not like Microsoft. And not like Apple (honestly, anybody still believes that Apple is "different")
But i did not know where to go.
In my darkest hours (my laptop needed about 10 minutes to boot) i started googleing, and i stumbled over "ubuntu".

"humanity towards others"
Ubuntu (pronounced /uːˈbuːntuː/ or /uːˈbʌnˌtuː/) is a computer operating system based on the Debian GNU/Linux distribution and is distributed as free and open source software with additional proprietary software available.
Ubuntu provides an up-to-date, stable operating system for the average user, with a strong focus on usability and ease of installation.
Ubuntu is sponsored by the UK-based company Canonical Ltd., owned by South Africanentrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth. By keeping Ubuntu free and open source, Canonical is able to utilize the talents of community developers in Ubuntu's constituent components. Instead of selling Ubuntu for profit, Canonical creates revenue by selling technical support and from creating several services tied to Ubuntu.source: wikipedia
how awesome is that!?!
a software company that is in line with my values of how to run a business. It's open source, free, easy to use and service oriented!!
Soo, i installed it.
took 5 minutes! (maybe 10... but short)
and it runs PERFECTLY FINE!
Their newest version is called "Lucid Lynx". What a name!!!
It comes with Firefox, OpenOffice, a Social Media interface, an Email interface and a shit load of plug ins and ad ons you can install (Gimp, vlc player, skype, and and and)
Also, you can install it parallel to your actual operating system (what i did).
At the beginning of each boot you just select which ever you want (in my chase windows xp vs. ubuntu) and then it starts.
I'll gonna test it for about a month before I will finally erase my Windows XP and just run Ubuntu Lucid Lynx)
I am soooo exited!
you can find more info here:
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